Sunday, April 3, 2011

Time for A Change!

This trip has felt like three months in the time span of two weeks. We have done, seen, and learned so much that I feel as though we haven't even had a chance to reflect on anything that has happened. Being in London is so incredibly fast paced. Days go by and I forget what the date is.

Egil and I both woke up feeling sick today. Actually, he was feeling much worse than I was. Sore throat, painful nostrils (weird), and just extreme exhaustion. He kept me up all last night due to his constant tossing and turning. In fact, he's trying to sleep as I write this by sandwiching his face between two pillows. I am not quite sure if it's working.

We leave for Canterbury tomorrow! It will be nice to see another side of the U.K. So far we have only been inside of the city. I have heard that the countryside is stunning. We leave on a bus at 9:30. 

Canterbury will be our home until Thursday. On Thursday we fly to Spain. We will be staying in the southern part of Spain, probably about an hour north of Malaga. Our new home will be in a hostel that is located in a very small village. It is known for it's incredible views, rock-climbing, and hiking. Even we don't speak the language I know we will get by somehow!

We cannot afford to stay in the U.K. Everything is so expensive. It's unbelievable. Also, the lifestyle does not fit my personality at all. I still feel trapped in some ways. Looking out my window all I see are more buildings, more people, more concrete. I have yet to see an animal besides the stray squirrel or bird. Don't get me wrong, London is incredible in many ways. I just need more space and nature around me in order to be happy. 

I had a dream about someone I haven't talked to in about a year and a half last night. He was on a train and the yellow light of the sun was illuminating his face. The rays from the sun caused everything around him to be red and orange. Trees blurred past the window. The look in his eyes was indescribable. They were almost empty with no thoughts. My heart hurt when I looked at him. It still does when I think of his face. I wonder why he is still in my head, as he shouldn't be. Sometimes I want to call him and just say hi. I don't think he would ever answer the phone. I hope that wherever he is, that he's actually happy. He was a good friend.

This trip has put Egil and I through the ringer so far. We are hoping for some sort of break. Although, this has been one incredible adventure. I hope it continues to be that way!

1 comment:

  1. Well you have to go to Canterbury Cathedral. I once stayed in the Lodge Hotel which is in the grounds of the Cathedral, and woke up every morning to chiming bells and a view of the Cathedral. It was amazing. Also, try and find time for the Roman Museum, the Westgate and the Castle. A busy day, but do-able. You'll love it after the grime of London.
